What Do You Do After A Funeral ?

after a funeral

As a whole there are few things that you do after a funeral. In most cases there will be a reception sometimes referred to as a repass. The reception or repass is a time put aside for people to eat and share memories of the recently deceased. This is also a good time to express sympathy and give any cards or gifts you may have for the immediate family. We understand that it is often quite difficult to navigate through these final details. For that reason, we have listed an entire guide informing you about the basics of what you should probably do following a funeral. We have covered many traditions starting from repassing to post-funeral receptions. So, if wanted to know what you do after a funeral, here’s everything you need to know.

Every time a loved one passes away, you are left with the responsibility of handling these intricate financial, legal, and social requirements. Even if you don’t feel like it, do not attempt to do this alone. Managing the affairs of deceased individuals requires multiple people from all grounds. First, you would need legal professionals for handling the paperwork. Next, you would need a priest and other funeral arrangements if you are going religiously. Finally, you need to curate a reception commemorating the beautiful life and journey of the deceased individual.

Understanding Funeral Homes: What Happens After a Funeral?

When a loved one passes away, it’s common for people to rely on funeral homes and their services to handle the aftermath. The professionals at these homes help with planning, completion of directive forms, ranging from a simple cremation funeral to an elaborate ceremony, and everything in between. But what happens after the funeral? Understanding this is key to moving forward.

Most funeral homes will support you in the steps after a funeral. Having provided the final send-off, the home now focusses on the lasting memorialization. This could mean setting up online memorials for the deceased – a digital space for people to share memories, condolences and tributes. An online memorial provides a center for mourning long after the funeral ends.

Other after-services might include assistance in estate planning. As the home’s involvement doesn’t end with the funeral service, they might help the family complete necessary paperwork like directive forms and provide advice on handling the deceased’s affairs.

Some families might opt to host a post-funeral reception at the funeral home, providing a place for guests to gather and remember the deceased. This option represents another of the many services that homes can offer.

More and more these days, especially considering environmental concerns, funeral homes might offer pure cremation as a post-funeral service. In such cases, they also guide the next of kin on how to dispose of or memorialize the remaining ashes.

Navigating through the sheer finality of it all can be overwhelming. But, understanding the range of services offered by funeral homes beyond the actual funeral service can provide some comfort. They are there to guide, provide support, and manage affairs even after the funeral, and at the end of the day, that can make a real difference.

What Is Repass(Reception)At A Funeral?

A repass (originally repast) is an occasion where the loved ones of the deceased commemorate the said individual at a formal reception or funeral. Traditionally, anyone who felt associated with the deceased individual is welcome to join the repass. The memorial begins with a speech that is typically made by the next of kin or any pre-decided funeral professional/director. The primary intent of the service is to commemorate the deceased and pray in their memory.

There is no conventional rule as to where you can hold a repass. With that said, most people prefer to hold the repast at the church. In case the deceased individual in question wasn’t associated with a certain religion, at that point, their next of kin may even choose to not have a service.

During a repast the loved ones and associated individuals of the deceased meet and congregate to eat, have a toast to their memory, and remember the happy and bittersweet memories that have impacted them. This is also one of the best chances for families to connect and meet each other because death is often known for bringing the kin together.

Experiencing Funeral Reception: A Definition and Guide

A funeral reception is an event that typically follows a funeral. It’s a time for family and friends to gather in a less formal setting to remember the deceased and offer support and condolences to one another. Understanding the etiquette involved can help you feel more at ease and prepared for the reception.

The reception can vary greatly based on cultural and family customs. Generally, it’s a time to share memories and anecdotes about the deceased and join together in mourning. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to cry, laugh, or just sit quietly during a funeral reception, as everyone grieves differently.

Depending on the family’s preferences and religious beliefs, the reception can take place at a family member’s house, a community center, a restaurant, or even online. With the advent of technology, online funeral receptions have become more prevalent, providing those who can’t attend in person the chance to participate virtually. In this case, the host will provide details on how to join the online reception.

Planning for a funeral reception might feel overwhelming, especially after a loss. However, keep in mind that your comfort and emotional state should always come first. In addition, there are professionals and resources available to assist with the planning, so don’t hesitate to seek help. Using an online search, you can easily locate companies that specialize in organizing funeral receptions.

Condolences are expressions of sympathy and sorrow for grief. It’s a time-tested etiquette to offer condolences during a funeral reception, whether verbally or in writing. If attending an online funeral reception, you can offer your condolences by leaving a message in the chat function or sending a personal email later.

At its core, the purpose of a funeral reception is to create a supportive environment for those who are grieving. By preparing yourself in advance and understanding the etiquette, you’ll be able to provide comfort and solidarity during a time when it’s most needed.

What Is Gathering After A Funeral Called?

The gathering following a funeral is known as the repass or the funeral reception. As evident from the name, this is the event where the relatives, friends, co-workers, and loved ones of the deceased gather to commemorate them and pay a small form of tribute. If you go by the conventional terms, repass is often said to be a reception preceding the funeral. However, with time, traditions changed, and in the majority of the cases, it is headed immediately after the main memorial or the funeral.

At this point, you might be wondering how a funeral and a reception are different in the first place. The essence of it lies in the formality of both occasions. Traditionally speaking, funerals are supposed to be extremely formal as compared to receptions, and unlike the latter, they are hosted by the main celebrant who usually happens to have a religious background.

Funeral services also have a certain sequence of events that are further propelled by extensive religious processes. When you compare this to a reception, you will realize that receptions are often not as formal and its primary focus is to commemorate, respect, and bring a group of individuals who had shared the respect and reverence for the bereaved.

Whether you are hosting or attending a funeral reception, it is also crucial to understand the audience of the event. Typically, family and extremely close acquaintances of the bereaved are invited to this occasion and they all congregate in the memory of the bereaved. Certain families also host unique events or traditions for the family and friends. This can be anything ranging from flying balloons to planting trees. In case a loved one of the bereaved could not attend the traditional memorial service, they are welcome to attend the reception. What’s more, young children are allowed to participate in the event as well because it often involves the entire family with plenty of food and drink.

The Gathering After Funeral: Honoring the Life of Loved Ones

When you’re left pondering, “what do you do after a funeral?” there are numerous arrangements to consider. A common part of these arrangements is the gathering after the funeral, an important event often organized to honour the life of loved ones. This isn’t just about reminiscing about the loved one’s life – it’s about beginning the process of grieving, too. It offers a chance to share memories and experiences, a step towards finding comfort amidst loss.

The period after a funeral can be emotionally taxing. You learn that mourning isn’t a straightforward path; it’s filled with recollections, varying emotions, and a deep sense of loss, felt repetitively. That’s why, despite the immense sadness, it’s so important to focus on celebrating the life that was lived. Honouring this life can bring solace to your grieving heart.

Friends and family often gather to support each other in this difficult time, serving as the crucial pillars during the wavering period after a funeral. Just the simple presence of friends can foster a heartfelt atmosphere, making the burden of loss somehow less heavy. A spouse, for example, who has just lost their partner, can feel a lighter weight through the emotional assistance of friends and family.

Some of the typical activities during this gathering include sharing stories about the loved one’s life, perhaps cherishing some cherished possessions, or even discussing something as mundane as life insurance. Even the process of sorting out life insurance can provide a level of closure and reassurance, making the overwhelming sense of loss easier to manage. This is a key part of what you do after a funeral – you solemnly acknowledge the life that was lived, the love that was shared, and the memories that will forever be treasured.

By honouring the life of loved ones through gatherings, storytelling, and arrangements like life insurance settlements, you create space for you and others to begin the long journey towards healing after loss. The road is tough, but remember, you are not alone. Mourning, like celebrating a life, is also a shared experience. So, as you question ‘what do you do after a funeral?’ remember this shared experience is part of the answer.

Organizing the Burial Reception: Creating a Comforting Atmosphere

Organizing a burial reception may seem a formidable task in the midst of grief and loss. However, it’s an essential part of the healing process and allows family members and friends to share their condolences and comfort each other. It’s a responsibility placed upon you, as the host, to create a comforting atmosphere, as this will best honor the memory of your departed loved one. Ensure to give attention to details, as these can significantly influence the mood of the occasion.

The pivotal process of funeral pre-planning comes in handy when preparing for a burial reception. In the throes of your grief, it’s easy to overlook some significant aspects of organizing such an event. That’s where meticulous planning comes into play, and if you’ve been engaged in funeral preparing, the job might get a little easier for you. This includes determining how the reception will be conducted and other particulars that you should choose in order to help uplift the spirits of the mourning guests.

Remember, a funeral reception isn’t merely an event. It’s a unique opportunity for those close to the departed to grieve collectively, share stories, and show support to each other. Therefore, as you plan out the reception, bear in mind the preferences and likes of the deceased. During this painful period of loss, including their favorite songs or choosing their loved menu could bring a kind of soothing solace to the grieving hearts.

How did they laugh? How did they love? Capturing such emotional fragments and incorporating them into the reception can create a more comforting environment and make the occasion a true reflection of the loved one’s life. Planning, organizing, and managing a burial reception can undoubtedly be demanding, particularly amid the sorrow of your loss. But, remember, you are not alone. Your family and friends can provide support, help you navigate through the planning process, and together, create a comforting atmosphere for everyone to share their grief and remember the life of a person who was dearly loved.

Funeral Menu Preparation: How to Make Funeral Sandwiches

If you are hosting a funeral or a reception, you probably want it perfect in memory of the person you loved. One thing that never goes wrong when it comes to funeral reception food is sandwiches. You can easily make a funeral sandwich with simple ingredients like ham, brown sugar, and poppy sheets. Just get your sheet tray and spray it with some cooking oil. Next, place the bread and fill them with a thin slice of ham and an equally thin slice of Swiss cheese. Now, take a large bowl and make a concoction with 1/4th a cup of brown sugar, half a cup of butter, two large tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce, two large tablespoons of mustard, and finally a handful of mustard seeds.

Give the thing a good mix and pour it as a topping on your ham and cheese slice before placing another slice of bread to close the sandwich. Bake until the cheese melts and you are good to go.

Funeral Menu Ideas

Here are some simple funeral menu ideas:

  • Finger sandwiches with ham turkey or any lean meat and cheese stuffing
  • Pasta items
  • Baked casseroles with preferred meat and veggies
  • Fruit and vegetable trays with seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • Cheese trays with different cuts and variants of cheese
  • Salads
  • Egg devils

These are some of the things you should know before hosting a reception. Because you are now familiar with the traditions and some menu ideas as well, we believe it will be easier for you to plan and arrange the service.

What do you do after a funeral? Among the important details you plan, from funeral homes to funeral receptions, there’s a lot you have to oversee. One detail that often gets overlooked in the funeral plans is the funeral menu. A well-known tradition in many settings, especially in the southern United States, is the inclusion of funeral sandwiches in your funeral menu. This article guides you on how to make funeral sandwiches, a comforting selection that helps people cope with their sorrow.

Making funeral sandwiches isn’t a complex task and requires basic ingredients that you likely already have in your kitchen. As is common with any meal you prepare in honor of a deceased family member or friend, the preparation of these sandwiches requires a level of care and attention. Remember, this isn’t just a meal; it’s a tribute to the deceased.

Why choose to make funeral sandwiches? Well, alongside your funeral plans, you’ll also be considering the wishes of the people who’ll be attending. Depending on the deceased’s wishes, you might opt for a burial reception complete with a feast or a more intimate gathering. Regardless of the scale, this recipe can be multiplied or scaled down as needed.

While you are making the sandwiches, it’s also important to consider etiquette. Remember to have the funeral, burial, ashes and all documents in order before you commence preparation. This saves you unnecessary stress during the preparation stage. Moreover, as you make these sandwiches, attach a card with your condolences to the bereaved family. This isn’t necessary, but it introduces an element of warmth and care.

In the face of death, it’s comforting to have familiar food that evokes fond memories and offers solace. So as you make funeral sandwiches, remember that this act goes beyond merely providing sustenance. With each sandwich you make, you are showing support, conveying love, and honoring the life of your dearly departed.

If you’re looking for traditional funeral potatoes, we have an entire article dedicated to this staple here.


Readinform is a Wisconsin based writer for funerals explained. They have come to understand the struggles of death and loss. Through life experience they have gathered the knowledge to help others and answer questions related to the funeral industry. When not writing readyinform focuses on learning new things and exploring the differences society offers.

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