What Is A Eulogy

The legacy a person leaves behind is all that is left of them after they leave this world. Most people want to be remembered for all the good they’ve done; they want fun memories shared and positive things to be said about them at their funeral.

On Average At a funeral, a speaker gets up and gives what is called a Eulogy, which is a speech celebrating the life of the person who has died. Since it is their final send-off, a eulogy needs to be done properly and much time and consideration should be taken in the process. Here is some information you should know if you are planning on giving a Eulogy.

What is the Purpose of a Eulogy?

A eulogy is given as an overview of a person’s life and should include the accomplishments they achieved in their career and with their family and friends. It should also include significant events and milestones the person experienced throughout their life. It is also good to share some funny stories to lighten the mood of all those who are in mourning. Even though a person has died, a funeral is a celebration of the life they’ve lived, and all the great things this now-deceased person did need to be recognized and commemorated. And if they’ve lived an exciting life filled with fond memories, they would likely want these memories shared so that everyone can know the type of person they were.

What Should be Included in a Eulogy?

A eulogy should include stories that reveal the true personality of the person who has passed on. All the positive and wonderful things they’ve done in their life that relatives and friends may not know about. Selfless acts they committed and things they did to help other people should be included. It’s usually good to include a humorous story as well, to lighten the mood and show the person’s funny side. A eulogy should have a strong opener but should also leave with a heart-felt story or favorite quote the person was inspired by in their life that left an impact on the speaker that he/she thinks is important to share. It’s good to leave the room tearful because it is a funeral, and it can’t all be humor and stories of positivity. Someone has died and those at the funeral need to feel what a loss that person is to the world.

Who Usually Gives the Eulogy?

The Eulogy is typically given by someone who was very close to the deceased: a close friend or family member. Someone who knew them in a way that no one else did, who knew things that other people didn’t. Deep things, not things that everyone knew on the surface. Before a person dies, they may request that someone close to them give the eulogy and even tell them certain things that want to be said about themselves after they are gone. If the person who died didn’t have anyone close to them, then the minister, priest, pastor, or rabbi presiding over the funeral may give the eulogy.

How Long Should the Eulogy Be?

A eulogy should be about 5-10 minutes long, depending on the person. If the person lived a fascinating life and knew lots of people, then the eulogy is likely to be longer. If the funeral is private with close friends and family only, then the eulogy might be a bit shorter and more intimate.

Eulogy Examples

Although these are not full eulogies (a full eulogy would be much longer, around 1000 words), here are some examples of what people might write in a eulogy:

For Parent:

Growing up, my dad was hard on me, but he was always there for me. It wasn’t until I was older that I truly understood why he was hard on me: he wanted me to have the best life possible. As I entered adulthood, I got to know my dad on a more personal level, and we become friends. He shared his wisdom with me, and I would ask him questions about relationships and how to deal with idiots in the workplace, and he always had words of advice – even if it wasn’t the best advice sometimes. I’ll never forget the time we walked home from the bar after watching the UFC one night; my dad liked beer, but I rarely saw him drunk. On this night he had a few too many and I remember as we walked home from the bar he went to take a pee in a field and he ended up falling over. I had to go help him to his feet; it was one of the funniest things I ever saw him do.

For spouse:

I’ll never forget the first time I saw her. The thing that stood out to me was her beautiful eyes. She kept staring at me, and all the while I was too shy to approach. But the more she glanced over, the more my heartbeat faster and faster, and I had this terrible thought that if I don’t muster up the courage to approach her, I may miss the opportunity to have a beautiful person in my life. And every day – every single day – I am so grateful that I dared to approach her because I would’ve missed out on one of the kindest, sweetest souls God ever put on this green earth. When I approached her and introduced myself, it was her warm voice that stole my heart. And the next day, when I had her number, I was still nervous to text her: I thought it could’ve been a fluke. But she answered. And she always answered. She was my angel, and she always answered me until she could answer no longer. And here we are, to celebrate my angel’s life…..

The first example is lighter and fun, and the second would be a more heartfelt approach. It’s good to have a bit of both in a eulogy.

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Readinform is a Wisconsin based writer for funerals explained. They have come to understand the struggles of death and loss. Through life experience they have gathered the knowledge to help others and answer questions related to the funeral industry. When not writing readyinform focuses on learning new things and exploring the differences society offers.

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